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Hydromax Plus

Simply Superior

Hydromax+ Premium Water Softener

Smoother, Cleaner Skin and Hair

Enhance your beauty with every shower
Remove water impurities now!

Your skin is like a sponge, absorbing water and any impurities in that water.
In fact, impurities in your home's water can be devastating to your skin, contributing to dry and irritated skin, eczema, acne, and more...

When you use the Hydromax+ System, you'll see and feel positive effects of cleaner, clearer, healthier water in your stronger, healthier hair and more radiant skin.

Protect your Appliances

Forget about expensive maintenances

Hard water—full of calcium and other rocky minerals—pummels your appliances and fixtures with every use. Worse, the minerals aggregate over time and can congest your plumbing like clogged arteries. With the Hydromax+, enjoy the peace of mind knowing your investment will protect your appliances and plumbing for the long term.

Cleaning is fun again

Clean effortlessly, forget about water spots, streaks and use less soap than ever

The minerals in hard water make cleaning your home more difficult than it needs to be. It makes you use more soap to get something clean. It leaves spots and streaks. Hard water makes cleaning virtually impossible.

It's time you upgrade to water from the Hydromax+, which will make cleaning and polishing a breeze.

This is not just another Softener
This is the MAX and the PLUS

NO "Can't wash the soap off feeling".
NO contaminants.

You'll have Spa in your home.
Feel the excellence, don't set for less.

This isn't simply soft water. With the Hydromax+, you'll feel the difference on day one, and you'll wonder how you went so long without it. Kiss the soft water "Can't wash the soap off" feeling goodbye forever.

Instead, you'll shower in water that feels refreshing and protects you from contaminants. Reinvigorate, relax and rejuvenate in a spa-like experience— all in the comfort of your own home.

Eco Friendly

Give the hearth a breath, our systems are 100% eco friendly & will get you hundreds of dollars on savings too

Our systems are produced with the vision in mind to save on energy, salt, and water use- thus cutting down on energy consumption as well as reducing carbon footprints. The Hydromax+ workhorse electronic metered control with effective programming anticipates usage. As a result, making it 40% more efficient, saving more Energy, Water and Salt.

How it works

Every step on the Hydromax + is made carefully.
High Tech Water treatment at home.

1. Untreated water flows though the upper distribution core where it is prepared to be processed.

2. Positively charged chemred resin reduces aesthetic chlorine taste and color while creating a water that feels fantastic.

3. Negatively charged maxsoft resin softens water by reducing calcium and magnesium.

4. Filtered water flows effortlessly through the Aquahelix® plate and is delivered to your home providing better tasting/smelling water and cleaner laundry, softer skin, easier cleaning, as well as soap, energy, and appliance savings.

5. When the Ultramax blend resin is ready to be cleaned and recharged, the system uses a brine (sodium or potassium) solution in concert with the Aquahelix® plate to efficiently lift and clean the resin while providing significant salt and water savings due to its revolutionary design

Is this the system for you?

Have you ever been confused about what you need?... Stop worrying about it, we are here for you

What are you waiting for?

Contact Us Now, and get a free water test and advise from one of our experts right in your home

No compromises!
No Hidden Fees!

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