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Your Home Fountain of Health

Alka-Duo Alkaline Water Filter

The only water you need to drink

Alka-Duo provides the purest, delicious and most beneficial
Alkaline water you can get, 24/7 in your kitchen

With perfect filtration and ionization, the Alka-Duo will ensure to provide you and your family with water that is chemical FREE and flawless.

First, the Alka-Duo removes all harmful contaminants in your water such as lead, arsenic, fluoride, chlorine, minerals, and solids.
Second, the Alka-Duo ionizes the water and puts it through a magnetization process.

Therefore, providing you and your family perfectly filtered water and beneficial mineral-rich alkaline water

Old school isn't always cool, Stop the bottled way!

Save energy, money, and improve your water on one move

Alka-Duo will provide you and your family with an unlimited supply of both perfectly filtered and alkaline water. Thus, saving you time, money, and energy. You could invest in improving your home for your family instead of countless trips to the supermarket to buy bottled water.

What are you drinking today?

Choose your favorite type of water, we got you covered

The Alka-Duo will feature two switches which will allow you to access both filtered water and a mineral-rich beneficial alkaline water

Alkaline is the way to go

Upgrade your water, and change your old lifestyle for a new healthier and superior

Your everyday water stands at a pH level of 7 (neutral pH), but Alkaline Water goes from 8 to 10. Therefore Alkaline Water collectively assists your body to eliminate acidity in diseases, aging, foods, and drinks. These are some of the lots of benefits you can get:

  • - Helps your body improve its pH level
  • - Improves hydration
  • - Detoxes the body
  • - Helps lose weight
  • - Helps fight cancer
  • - Prevents the progression of diabetes
  • - Helps treat psoriasis

Eco Friendly

The earth needs your help & Alka-Duo makes it simple for you

Americans buy 29 billion water bottles a year. For every six bottles people buy, only one is recycled. It takes at least up to 1,000 years for every single bottle to decompose, leaking pollutants into our soil and water along the way

U.S. landfills are overflowing with 2 million tons of discarded water bottles. Making them an environmental hazard and a waste of valuable resources.

Alka-Duo will give you fresh water 24/7 and will reduce the quantity of bottles to zero

Is this the system for you?

Have you ever been confused about what you need?... Stop worrying about it, we are here for you

What are you waiting for?

Contact Us Now, and get a free water test and advise from one of our experts right in your home

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No Hidden Fees!